Wednesday, December 15, 2010


1.My long-range goal is become best telecommunication engineer of Mongolia. So I must hardworking. Thus my second objective is perfect life. For example great family, nice work and wonderful home.
2.-My short range goal is to improve my education. It will be preparation my future success. I will collect experience working in company. I hope there will be chance to me actualize my knowledge acquired from university to my job.
3.A well know fact. Me need own deman and to apply from the bottom of one's heart to anything. Also I need have got enduring. And I need toil all time, trust by oneself. Lastly I need assemble to work environment.
4.I have learned the ability of self-educated and working in team.This has been become more and more abilities for me. And I skilled in teamwork and able to rise easily.
5.I like fair everything. So I want to determine for justices. Head person must say openly to all success. I usually define my success for estimation of other people.
6.- I will continue my professional development by participating in conference, attending seminars and continuing my education.I always try to know about the new technologies, to be patient and bold.
7.My work is a very interesting and when I was student I don’t know it. After I study this school I understand it ' I wish to enroll in this school ' I said. I like to work by own qualification.
8.Firstly I don’t know about this career. My sister decide to enter this school me. So I become must study by this direction. After it become interesting.I want to begin my first job whit new technology and in big company.
9.For, that is interesting things to my job. Because I have my own searching behavior. Therefore, I think searching work will be very enjoyable for me. Innovator and industrious team and promoter good leader will be most important to me in my job.
In my work important issue is become a very hardworking. I can it.
10.My job connects all people whitch each other.
11.- it is most important issue. I demand to interactive with all user. Because I should know for request of subscribers. In my opinion, the most important thing is communication.
12.I prefer to work with others. Because I think that good employee must can work by oneself in indispensable time. Also I have good skills and experience to work with team. I prefer to work with others. Because I think that good employee must can work by oneself in indispensable time. Also I have good skills and experience to work with team.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Reading strategies

1. First, I read the text
2. I see the title
3. Skimming the text
4. I see the how mach paragraphs
5. I read this paragraphs
6. I strive to know the cause
7. I more than more the text
8. I translate new words
9. I write the new words
10. I read the text again
11. I strive to know the key note
12. I read the text again
13. I strive to know the paragraphs key note
14. I read the text
15. I understand this text

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


1. I read to translate of text title. 2.Thus make word to word translation.
3. Next I take out by translated word of title content.
4. I read first paragraph.
5. Next I make word to word translation first sentence 6. I read and understand out by translated word of sentence content.
7. Need look conjunction, gram subject and predicate while take out of sentence content. 8. Read next sentences translate by likeness with above mentioned. 9. Composly writing and reading the first paragraph. 10. Read next paragraph. 11. Starting translate by likeness with above mentioned the first sentence. 12. Composly writing the paragraphs. 13. Understand main idea of source. 14. Memorize the translated new words. 15. Finally I will glad in my own wrought of translation by result.


1. Эхлээд би орчуулах тэкстийнхээ гарчгийг уншдаг. 2.Тэгээд гарчгаа үгчлэн орчуулна.
3. Дараа нь би орчуулсан үгсээрээ гарчгийнхаа утгыг гаргаж авна.
4. Тэгээд би эхний параграфыг уншина. 5.Дараа нь нэгдүгээр өгүүлбэрээс эхлэн үгчлэн орчуулна. 6.Орчуулсан үгсийнхээ тусламжтай эхний өгүүлбэрээ найруулан бичиж уншиж ойлгоно. 7.Өгүүлбэрийн утгыг гаргаж авах үедээ холбоос үг, өгүүлэхүүн, өгүүлэгдэхүүн зэргийг харах хэрэгтэй.
8.Дараагийн өгүүлбэрүүдээ уншиж дээрх аргаар орчуулна. 9.Эхний параграфаа найруулан бичиж уншина. 10.Дараагийн параграфыг уншина. 11.Тэгээд эхний өгүүлбэрээс эхлэн дээрх аргаар орчуулна.
12.Параграфуудаа найруулан бичнэ. 13.Эхийн гол утга санааг уншиж ойлгоно.
14.Орчуулсан шинэ үгсээ цээжлэнэ.
15.Эцэст нь би өөрийнхөө хийсэн орчуулагын үр дүнд сэтгэл хангалуун байх болно.


1. Position Applied For: Telecommunication engineer
2. Agency

2. Social Security No: 900711

3. Full legal Name: Tsoodol Dulamjav -
Last Name First Middle
4. Home Phone: (30771) 812640 Business Phone (9996258) 88787524
5. Street Address: 5
Ulaanbaatar MGL 976 6. E-mail Address:
City State Zip
7. Education:
7a. Highest school grade completed: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 *10 011 012

7b. Do you have a high school equivalency diploma:  Yes 0 No

7c. Number of years of post high school education: 01 02 03 *4

8. Name and Location of Educational Institution: Degree Received Major / Specialty Dates Attended
8a. Bulgan Selenge high school *
8b. School of information and communication technology

8c. - - - -

9. If you plan to complete an educational program in the future, then indicate the degree or program to be completed
9a. Completion Date:

10. Work Experience: Start with the most recent work experience. Describe all traditional, military and voluntary work experience. Describe your knowledge, skills and abilities that demonstrate your qualifications for the position for which you are applying.

10a. Job Title
Job Duties

Employer Name

Employer Address


Supervisor / Manager


Final Salary

Dates (Month/ Year)
Reason for leaving


10b. Job Title
Job Duties:

Employer Name

Employer Address


Supervisor / Manager


Final Salary

Dates (Month/ Year)
Reason for leaving

Hours / Week

11. Job Skills: Use the following space to provide any additional information that you think would be helpful in our evaluation of your job application. This can include specialized training, seminars, workshops, accreditations, special achievements or valuable skills:

12. Licenses Held: (including drivers) or certifications to practice a trade or profession.
Type License Number Granted by (licensing board)

13. References:
List the full name, address, phone number and relationships of up to three persons that you’d like to use as a reference:
Full Name Address Phone Number Relationship
Tsoodol Bulgan aimag Selenge sum 95365875 My father
Dorjoo Erdenet city 1st district 5th building 95353297 My brother
Bayangol district 2nd street 88787523 My friend

14. Miscellaneous Information:
14a. Which shifts are you willing to accept: +Day 0 Evening 0 Night 0 Rotating 0 Weekends Specify shift hours

14b. Which job status are you willing to accept: + Full-time 0 Part-time (specify)

14c. Are you willing to travel: + No 0 Yes

14d. Please indicate your geographic preferences:

15. Compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act requires that you are you legally eligible for employment in the United States? 0 Yes 0 No.

Please note that under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, that you may be required to fill out a certification verifying that you are eligible to be employed and verifying your identity. You may also be will be required to provide documentation that you should you be employed.

16. Veteran Status: Are you a veteran who received an honorable discharge and has:

1. Provided more than 180 consecutive days of full time active duty in the armed forces of the United States or reserve components, including more than the National Guard?, or
2. Have a military service disability rating fixed by the United States Veterans Affairs?
0 Yes * No. If yes, did you serve during the Vietnam Conflict (2/28/61-3/7/75)? 0 Yes 0 No

17. Prior Convictions:
17a. Have you ever been convicted of any violation of law, including moving traffic violations: 0 Yes 0 No
If yes, then please provide the following:
Describe the Offense :

Statute / Ordinance (if known): Date of Charge: ; Date of Conviction

County, City, and State of Conviction:

18. Work Start Date: When will you be available to start work? If you are available as soon as you given two weeks notice, then no dates are necessary.
01 Month 04
Day 2011 Year
19. Job Application Certification:
I hereby certify that all entries on this job application and any attachments are true and complete. I also agree and understand that any falsification this information may result in my forfeiture of employment.

I understand that all information on this job application is subject to verification and I consent to criminal history and background checks. I also agree that you may contact references and educational institutions listed on this application
Dated 2010.12.1 Job Applicant Signature Dulamjaw


killer applications-нэмэлт үйлчилгээ
alternate-холигдмол, ээлжлэх
equipment-тоног төхөөрөмж
essential-чухал, гол, зайлшгүй
distance-зай, алслалт, ойрын
combining-холбох, хослуулах
backbone-гол шугам bandwidth-зурвасын өргөн
broadcast-өргөн зурвас
carry-зөөгч, зөөх
circumstance-нөхцөл байдал
convenient тохиромжтой,таарсан approaches-хандлага, арга, ойртолт
cooperate-хамтран ажиллах
cope-гол, элбэг
core-үндсэн сүлжээ
coverage-хамрах хүрээ remote-алслагдсан
basic-үндсэн гол
bessed on-тулгуурлах access-хандалт
cross-солбисон, зөрсөн
communicate-дамжуулах, мэдээлэх
condurt-суваг, кабель утас
current-гүйдэл, одоогийн урсгал
demand-шаардлага, хэрэглээ
advantage-давуу тал
detection-оролт, илрүүлэх
development-хөгжил, дэвшил rate-хурд, давтамж, эрчим
commodity-өргөн хэрэглээний
dial up modem-номер цуглуулах duct-хоолой, суваг,хөтлүүр
effectively-үр ашигтай, жинхэнэ
conferences-хурал, зөвлөгөөн
conjunction-залгах, нэгдэх, холбоос zone-бүс, муж offer-санал, өргөх, үзэх, оролдох
existing-яг одоо ашиглагдах
expansion-өргөтгөл, тэлэлт floop-доод түвшин
router-өгөгдлийн сүлжээний төхөөрөмж
expense-зардал, үнэ
experience-дадлага, туршлага
facility-дагалдах зүйлс, хэрэгсэл, төхөөрөмж
fall-няцаах bypassing-тойрч гарах motivations-шалтгаан
deliver-хүргэх, тушаах
identifies-холбох, нэгтгэх
elimination-арилгах, хасах, устгах
emitted-гаргах voice service-ярианы үйлчилгээ
wiring-цахилгаан утас ku band-ku зурвас
competencies-чадвар, чадамж
guard-хамгаалалт, хашилт, хамгаалах зурвас complexity-нийлмэл migrate-шилжилт
facilitating-хөнгөвчилж байна
mobile-хөдөлгөөнтэй cope-гол, элбэг
core-үндсэн сүлжээ
offer-санал болгох
orientation-чиг хандлага
peer-сүлжээний тэгш эрхтэй оролцогч portions-хэсэг, зангилаа, блок functional-ажил хэргийн
category-зэрэглэл facies-хувилбар, төрөл outcrop-илэрц, гарц, гарах refresh-дахин үүсгэх, шинэчлэх aggresive-идэвхтэй
route-чиглэл тогтоох, холбооны чиглэл
satellite-хиймэл дагуул necessary-чухал, шаардлагатай, хэрэгтэй appropriate-тохирох, таарах, нийцэх
arrangement-байрлал, тоног төхөөрөмж
sources-эх ,үүсэл
twisted-ороомол, бүрээстэй service relate-үйлчилгээнд хамаарагдах
circuit switched-уламжлалт холболт
overload-хэт ачаалал
connectivity-холбогч холбоос
implement-багаж bundle-багц үйлчилгээ
supply chain- үл тасалдагч хэлхээ residential subscriber-суурин хэрэглэгч
issues-асуудал, хэвлэл, дугаар тавих
middeware-дундын хангамж remote - алслагдсан
router-өгөгдлийн сүлжээний төхөөрөмж enhance-нэмэгдүүлэх, ихэсгэх
entire-бүхэл бүтэн, төгс төгөлдөр


The most prominent example of multidrop architecture is IBM’s SNA, which is a tree-structured hierarchical architecture, with a mainframe computer at the head. The architecture was first published in 1974 when processing was controlled by an expensive mainframe computer such as an IBM 360 that communicated with remote 3270 terminals over a network composed of voice-grade circuits. The physical components in an SNA network are hosts, communications controllers (also known as front-end processors), cluster controllers, and terminals. In the original network a mainframe computer runs a control program known as Advanced Communications Function/Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (ACF/VTAM), usually abbreviated VTAM. SNA establishes a logical path between network nodes and routes each message with addressing information contained in the protocol. SNA is defined in layers that are roughly analogous to the layers in ISO’s OSI model. SNA was the basis for much of the OSI model, but the layers do not line up exactly and it differs from OSI in several other respects. The original SNA protocol was built on the assumption that devices such as terminals and printers lacked processing capability so all traffic flowed through the host. The new SNA is called APPN. To communicate with another device, an end node sends a bind message to its network node, which in turn broadcasts a query that passes through the network. The node answering to that name responds to the query with a message that establishes the session and route. X.25, built on the first three layers of the OSI model, specifies the interface between DTE and a packet-switched network. . For example, a call setup packet would be used to establish the initial connection to the terminating device, which would return answer packets. VSAT is a Ku band satellite service that is an excellent medium for a widely dispersed operation. . Typical applications include LAN/WAN networking, Internet access, and videoconferencing. VSAT terminal is a small device with a 90 to 120 cm dish antenna. Transponder space is leased from the satellite provider or obtained from the hub provider. Data network applications can be separated into Inquiry/response, Conversational, Bulk data transfer, Bulk data transfer.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Dulamjav Tsoodol
Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Bayanzurkh district
Telephone (home): 976-307771
Telephone (mobile) 976-99986258

Date of Birth: Jul 11, 1990 Nationality: Mongolian

Personal Profile
My determination, persistence and passion for modern technologies encouraged me to study and learn the most recently acquired technological inventions and developments, so I am sure that I could do technical works well if I could take the job.

Education and Qualifications

2010 “Success” English course, Erdenet
Upper-intermediate level

2008 Bulgan Selenge complex school
Certificate of Secondary School
GCSE – Maths: 710 Physics: 790

- English (speaking, writing, reading: good)
- Excellent skills of working with Microsoft office programs
- Good interpersonal skill
- Able to face new challenges
- Able to work under pressure
- Capable of working alone as well as working in teams

Interests and Activities
In my free time, I like reading a lot and it helped me to improve my knowledge; not only the range of my profession but also several sections of science and about universe. I have assisted in the organization of various activities at the local club which supports young people. I like people, and I am able to hold wide range of conversations with different types of people.